Running dog ranch

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Running dog ranch

ANFl -**- 1. LLKelpie5351
PnP 1.000x 5HH/lla DixieSiberian Husky12252
PnP 1.000x 6HH/lala LexiSiberian Husky12252
AFT draco 1033Labrador Retriever20263
APnFl 2 Lapponian Herder M G llaLapponian Herder15372
NHT RDR! amongst shimmery snow and burning coals i blend "Tuko"Catahoula Leopard Dog1573
NT AngelLapponian Herder2350
IPnO RDR! as she creeps, creatures weep "Sapphire"Catahoula Leopard Dog8585
JPnHT RDR! as the sun shines, the fire rages "Dior"Catahoula Leopard Dog8584
JPnH RDR! beneath the sand she creeps "Scorpion"Lapponian Herder8590
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Running dog ranch

LockedAM 16HH LlaGreat Dane1840
LockedNA Akenar The WarriorAustralian Koolie16
LockedNM RDR! Khaos The KingAustralian Koolie16
LockedANP Puppy 11Border Collie453
LockedNT RDR! VirakGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNT VivoCatahoula Leopard Dog17
NHT RDR! amongst shimmery snow and burning coals i blend "Tuko"Catahoula Leopard Dog1573
IPnO RDR! as she creeps, creatures weep "Sapphire"Catahoula Leopard Dog8585
JPnHT RDR! as the sun shines, the fire rages "Dior"Catahoula Leopard Dog8584
NO RDR! BoaBeauceron1573

Game Time

02:18pm on Jan 16

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