Dunton Woods Purebred Kennels

Kennel History

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Retirees of Dunton Woods Purebred Kennels

MFT DWPK Aluminum IGerman Shorthaired Pointer273375
AFT DWPK Aluminum IIGerman Shorthaired Pointer253363
MSc DWPK BanditBelgian Malinois381993
AFT Blaze 2GGerman Shorthaired Pointer194158
NFT Blaze IIGerman Shorthaired Pointer14060
APnRO Blaze II 3GGerman Shorthaired Pointer114124
ASc DWPK Blazer IGerman Shepherd Dog233373
JPnW BlizzardLabrador Retriever23852
BlizzardLabrador Retriever13839
AHT Brago IGerman Shorthaired Pointer204207
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Dogs Bred By Dunton Woods Purebred Kennels

LockedPnFT AlbertEnglish Springer Spaniel1021
LockedNFT AliceEnglish Springer Spaniel19
LockedExSc DWPK Bandit the SecondBelgian Malinois3888
LockedIPnSc Bandit the ThirdBelgian Malinois818
LockedASh StFr BuddyLabrador Retriever2578
LockedExT DWPK CapGerman Shorthaired Pointer45100
LockedJAFT DWPK Cap the SecondGerman Shorthaired Pointer1631
LockedAFT DWPK Clint the SecondLabrador Retriever2557
LockedExFT DWPK DarioEnglish Foxhound2758
LockedIPnFT DWPK Diana the SecondLabrador Retriever1019

Game Time

01:07pm on May 2

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