Owner of RED SKY KENNLE Free Spirit Has played furry paws since August 16, 2007 and has been proudly breeding German Shepherd Dogs ever since!! but I breed more then just GSDs I also breed American Pitbull terriers, Labrador Retrievers, Border collies, Goldens, and some other side breeds.
Name: Free Spirit
AKA: Free, FS, Spirit
DOB: Aug. 2, 1991
Age: 32 years old
Playing Sence: Aug 16, 2007
Fav Song: Any Stray Kids song realy.
Were to send payment if your buying art.:
#552810 or for my paypal fierfairy42@yahoo.com
My Fursona: Ember
Top 6 Main Characters:
My Character Site
Fave Video Games: The Last of us, Uncharted, Sims 3 pets, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Spyro, Crash bandicoot, Mario Bro, God of war, sonic and many others
Likes: Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Kingdom hearts, wolfs rain, The lion king, Twilight, supernatural, Teen wolf, meeting nice people, Dogs, Art, Steak, Soda, Tea, Shakes/Smoothies, and being with my faimly.
Dislikes: rude people, art thiefs, and Liars
Commision Info: Click Here for prices if you want to commision me message me.
Other: I am Married to Diamond Dawg (#688282) whos zodiac sign is Capricorn. My zodiac sign is a Leo, We also have 1 baby girl together and I own 2 dogs IRL a rat terrier/sheltie Click Here for Daisy and a German Shepherd Lab Click Here for Bingo, I also have 3 cats Bella, Esme, and Vanilla Click Here for Bella and Click Here for Esme and Click Here for Vanilla, I use to have a german shepherd/Husky R.I.P Lady 2001-2015 Click Here for Ladybug and a pit bull R.I.P Spirit 2007-2017 Click Here for Spirit and use to have a 3rd cat R.I.P Prince 2012-2017 and a 4th cat R.I.P Leo 2005-2014 IRL Click Here for Leo, and Click Here for Prince.
Fave Tags
My Breeding Rules
My MALES are always for stud for the public and my breeding partners after they hit level 50 only.
My FEMALES are only for Public stud for my breeding partners from the age of 80-88 no later sooner is ok but not befor they are at least level 50.
I will NOT Breed my dogs to yours if your dog is under level 50. I will only breed dogs to level 50 or higher. My DOGS WILL NOT BE BRED TO DOGS UNDER LEVEL 50. ~sorry~
My Buying Rules
If you want to buy a dog/puppy from my kennel that is for sale you must.
1.Be a Star Competitor
2.Breed your dogs no lower then level 30 level 50 and up preferred
3.Show and take care of your dogs every day or lock them if you cant. all dogs must be showed in the max amount of shows 50 if elite 30 if non elite
4.Equip your dogs with what they need for there level
5.No Re Selling the dog right after you buy it
6.Do Not Retire your dogs Befor the age of 90
7.I will do Kennle Checks Befor i will accept your bid if your kennle does not meet my requirements i will not sell you the dog.
8.If you buy a dog/puppy from me & want to sell it later down the road please offer it back to me first.
I sell my dogs through Privet Sale Only
ALL DOGS IN MY KENNEL ARE LOVED FOR LIKE THEY WERE REAL. All my dogs go in shows everyday and all my dogs are cared and loved for I am on everyday and they are fed groomed played with and everything every day. If I am not on for a day my dogs will be locked.
My Breeding Partners
Pitbulls - PRIDE #97447, Sophie! (#48522), Newt #459679 - still mabey?
German Shephereds - Riot (#58858), Sophie! (#48522), Cheshire #34020 and 2BD #1261 - still mabey? need to double check.
Border Collies - Nephire. (#226245), Sophie! (#48522)
Labradors - Jen (#1061907)
Dobermans - Looking
My Achievements
My First Dog to level 20
My First 24HH Dog
My First Dog to level 30, Level 40, and Level 50
My First Dog to level 60
My First dog to level 70
My First dog to level 80
My First dog to level 90
My First dog to level 100
Best in Show
None Yet
Top 3 Hall of Fame
None Yet