Greenhauz Pups

Hello I'm new here! I'm just learning the ropes but I know for sure that I won't breed my dogs until they hit level 5 and can be registered in their Casso---I also will not be selling ANY dogs or pups until I can afford to register my kennel for a prefix(And I'm at the level that I can)

My dogs will only ever be bred twice, and only to one mate...once at lvl 5, and once at whatever level they are at at age 100(To compare quality)

My dogs will be fully cared for, trained and entered in competitions EVERYDAY---If its past 2:00 FP time and even ONE dog is uncared for LET ME KNOW!(I love my virtual puppies as much as my real dogs---and they will get just as much care)

I don't plan on ever having more dogs than can fit in a basic kennel or maybe two, so selling will be scarce, please don't ask me to sell or breed my pups---its either for sale or not. After I'm registered ALL pups and dogs will be sold prefixed NO exceptions...Why? Because I don't plan on letting my dogs be neglected---If I do my(Planned on) daily check of my sold dogs-and fin done not being cared for I WILL message the owner of that dog requesting their reasoning for neglecting it(Locked dogs will not count in this--I understand that sometimes you don't have enough time yet to care for a new dog, but it better be fully cared for before its locked.)

Thinking about maybe getting starter Shibas.... Raising my 4 starter Ibi's to be awesome :) Looking for Great quality bred Shiba and Ibis to add to my pups (PM me if you have some, preferably litters or 6 day old pups)

Current Bank: 33k---saved from leveling up and games trying to get some good dogs

Game Time

04:27pm on May 5

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